journal entry 8.20.2024

I went to the depave plaza on se 7th and sandy blvd. here they brought over the skate ramps that were around psu, and created a new skate spot.
they’ve closed the roadway and also further created a space for community events, depave refers to it as “a public commons for artists, organizers, and neighbors”
this one was a puppet show by string and shadow.
unfortunately the one (film) photo I took was closer to the beginning and doesn’t give justice to how grand the show was. The smallest puppet was a person with a larger mask, most of them were larger than people and many needed multiple pupateers to operate.

it really was a good community event, I even ran into a friend from high school.
I think it’s important not only to detraffic? repedestrisize? roadways, but to activate the space and put it to use. this was just one of many events depave has helped sponsor and host at this space, continuily bringing more people together, cementing it as a worthwhile infrastructure change... also demonstrating further possibilty (depave and city of portland have plans on making this more permenant and green)
street art... side walk art... lawn art?